Creating a Simulation

There are three areas to this learning exercise: Create: Explore: and Help: The first area to investigate is Create where you will put together a simulation. Why? If you can create a simulation, you will be able to better understand the process and do better on the exam.You are currently in the Help section. The Explore area allows you to try out your simulation so you can later make modifications. It also allows us to check over your work to help you with your thinking process for the exam. When you are in the Explore area you can also try out other student generated simulations.

After you have entered the Create area (by clicking on the Create Student Simulations), a menu will appear showing the current simulations (in the example below there are three: 01Sample, 02Sample and 03Sample) and a button that reads . You will click on the
New Simulation button to begin the process of creating a simulation.

New Simulations

You will be directed to the following below window (General Settings) which will be empty. This is the General Settings window where you will put in the first name of the client (in this case 01Sample, hopfully your's will be something like Sterling or Chuck). After entering their name move your cursor into the next field called Type Case Study and Type in the Case Study (See the example below)

General Settings

When you have finished typing in the case study, Type Passing Scores for IG (Information Gathering) and DM (Decision Making). Try to make the percentage somewhere in the 70's or low 80's depending on how simple or difficult you are making your simulation. We suggest you start with an easy simulation and gradually work up to making them more and more difficult. (fewer clues and information to rely on for selecting the correct answers. The last and most important task is to click on the Save Button. If you do not click the Save button, your work will NOT be saved!! Once your work is saved you will continue the simulation by working on Section A: (see below)

Section A


Type: You have a pull down menu with two options: Information Gathering (IG) and Decision Making (DM). Choose which type of question you will be using - IG usually has many different considerations that are correct and DM usually has only one correct answer

Consideration Suggestions

Use This or ..> are Consideration Suggestions. These are possible questions you might consider using for Section A - BUT you also have the option of writing your own question. If you click on the button Use This or ..> The question following it will be pasted into the Consideration area.


If you haven't chosen one of the Use This or..> questions provided, you have the option of typing in your own question. The box above is where you would type your question.


Consideration: What information would be important to assess in order to formulat a DSM-4 Diagnosis ?




Options are choices. Some are important, some are not important. Some of the options fit the consideration better than others. Some are worse than others. Your job is to come up with options A through T. You create important and not important Options. So for any Section, you can created as many Options as you want - A through T. Do you have to create that many Options? No.
The lease number of Options would be 2 (A-B) the most number of Options would be 20 (A-T).

: What information would be important to assess in order to formulat a DSM-4 Diagnosis ?

Option: Affective Functioning
Option: Age at divorce
Option: Behavioral functioning
Option: Career aspirations
Option: Cause of _____ death
Option: Church attendance
Option: Cognitive functioning
Option: Developmental history
Option: Eating patterns
Option: Educational history
Option: Exercise patterns

The Pop-Up is the educational part of the process.

If the Option is important (+1 to +3) start the popUp with the words "INDICATED"
Then hit enter and EXPLAIN why this is an important Option.

If the Option is not important (-1 to -3) start the popUp with the words "NOT INDICATED"
Then hit enter and EXPLAIN why this is not an important Option.

If the Option is not right or wrong (0) just EXPLAIN why.

Below is an example of what the Popup will look like when you view your simulation:

Degree to which client is affected

+3 Of central importance for good client care - omission would result in serious damage to the client in terms of COST, TIME, PAIN, and risk of MORBIDITY and/or MORTALITY

+2 Strongly Facilitative of good client care

+1 Mildly Facilitative of good client care

0 Does not contribute to client care, but does not cause the client and harm in terms of increased cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity and/or mortality; and/or may be a controversial option due to regional differences

-1 Mildy detrimental to client care in terms of cost, time, risk of morbidity and/or mortality.

-2 Seriously detrimental to client care in terms of cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity and/or mortality.

-3 Gravely damaging to client care and very costly to the client's welfare in terms of cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity and/or mortality.

When you are finished YOU MUST go to the bottom of the page and SAVE your work. If you do not, nothing will be SAVED of all your hard work.
When you go to EXPLORE to view the simulation, nothing will be there. Remember: All four areas in the Sections you are working on must be filled in:
If you fail to fill these four areas and SAVE your work, nothing will be saved.
When you finish click on the ADMIN MENU in the upper right and then click on Live Simulations. This will take you to the following menu where you can try out your simulation. If you need to make modifications you can go back and make corrections as necessary

OK - Time to get started
Click Below